Your generous support and contributions will enable us to fund our missions and meet our goals .
Supporting our ministries through time, talent and treasure
There are many ways that each of us contributes our time and talents to the ministries of this church community in thanksgiving and response to the gifts that God has given us. Our treasure—the financial resources that keep the lights on, the building open and the pastor and staff working from day to day—is also important, but completely voluntary, confidential, and secure. Because of the financial support of members and friends, the ministries and missions of this congregation are thriving! Thank you for considering financial support for the work of our church.
You may donate to the work of Church of the Isles by:
-Mailing a check or money order to:
Church of the Isles
200 24th Ave.
Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785
-By placing a check or cash when an offering is taken in the Sunday morning worship service. If there is a specific mission you would like to support, please note Pinellas Hope or Miracles Outreach in the memo section.